
From: YC Tsai
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 5:07 AM
Subject: happy belated halloween

Dear Friends,

Although I am getting used to Glasgow, I still feel homesick sometimes. Once I could not take it and phoned my younger sister when it was 3am in Taiwan, I broke down and cried helplessly. My sister sounded sleepy but tried to console me. I knew that there was little she could do but I just wanted to listen to someone familiar. Unfortunately my stupid sleepy sister could not get what I meant. She emailed and asked: It seemed that you phoned me but I forgot what you said…do u need anything?....I feel like chopping her into pieces (typical Taiwanese aggressive behaviour)

Oh! Just to update u that although I aimed to speak  "powderful England" here, I have decided that getting a "powderful Scotland" is more essential now!

PS: for my Taiwanese friends: I wanted to speak powerful English but now I need to speak powerful ScottishI went to my first hospital ward visit today. The visit was terrible. My partner and I were given this patient who had a very strong Glasgowegian accent. I could hardly understand him and he could not understand me either.....think I am going to fail my communication skill.....I do not know what accent I will end up with.......

Sharing toilets and kitchen with 14 other strangers is never easy. People take my stuff without my permission. I do not mind if they take care of my things but unfortunately they do not. One day, I found my shampoo was empty.......I remembered that last time I saw it there was still a lot. Often I could not find my own spoon and I would think that the Chinese people whom I dine with took it away. But yesterday they were not in but I still could not find my spoon. Then in the evening all residents gathered in the kitchen cooking dinner for Halloween Eve. I found my spoon! Some Americans were using it to make their cakes and muffins! I did not say anything and took out my wok and checked carefully. I bought a good quality wok (lifetime guarantee for non-stick surface), as I need it for more than 5 years. Guess what! There are several deep scratches! My heart aches! My Chinese friend (Warden) then told me that he caught someone drinking his bottle of milk, which he wrote his name on. This is NO fun compared to my life in Hua Zhong Hostel in Singapore because most of my neighbours were my good friends. Sorry that I kept complaining again.....getting stressed by my work........

I must hand in my first coursework next Thursday but still have no clue how to do I came to surf net looking for information.

By the way, how to you think of the name Aurora for my sleepy younger sister? This name is derived from the Sleeping Beauty. Since I cannot find a good name related to rabbit (my sisters nickname), I found this
romantic name instead. But I think there are places in Canada or US also called Aurora. Despite that, I think this name sounds good both in English and in Chinese. What do you think?

How do u celebrate your Halloween? I will check your reply after my coursework........

Just heard that there was a SIA plane carsh in Taiwan...terrible...

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