From: YV Tsai
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 7:26 AM
Subject: My Diary
Nov 4th: Tomorrow will be the Guy Fawkes Day. He was the Catholic who planned to bomb the Parliament that prohibited Catholicism at that time. He was caught before the bomb and executed. So the people now celebrate his Great Spirit by playing firework and setting bombfire (large campfire).
Just after I washed my hair, a group of Singaporeans pushed me to a Hall owned by our university and played the firework. It was near or below freezing point at night and my wet hair was nearly frozen… can make ice kachang (Taiwanese: tsua ice) from my hair…. Anyway the firework really nice and beautiful especially these Singaporeans seldom had a chance to watch firework. Once a resident at the Hall shouted some F words at us so we threatened him back by aiming the bomb at him…but we did not bombard him. The last firework was really excellent: non-stop 30 bombs above our heads and they were really loud, just like bombs in a war, got echoes some more! Then the funny resident whistled and encored. We played
for an hour (with several stops) and saw that the light in the university tower was switched off at 11.10pm.
Nov 5th: There were fireworks everywhere and it was very noisy since it got completely dark at 5pm. I forced myself not to go for the 30minute-non-stop firework at the city centre because I have not finished my coursework. I took a long time searching for information on net and wanted to write more emails to you but library was going to close…From now on you will should be free, right?! I will tell you my next coursework title and ask you to search for me…haha, I am too lazy…want to hibernate at home…too cold…
other days: Working hard on the coursework titled Hierarchy of systems related to practice of medicine...boring...Now darkens at 4.30pm so i have suffered from the Winter Depression...
Nov 8 midnight: Finally finished my coursework!!Hooray!!
Will email more next time. 881
- Nov 09 Thu 2000 07:26
Guy Fawkes Day