
From: Tsai tail
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2000 5:57 AM
Subject: YiJun's latest news

Dear Friends,
I typed a 4-paged long email but a virus deleted all the files.......including my housemate's homework. I'm sorry that I have no time to write individual emails to you.

Here is more about the medical camp in Nottingham. A local General Practitioner or so-called doctor gave a speech on his life. He was working as an anesthetist in a hospital for the first year after graduation. The work was so exhausting that he always dozed off. He was always called for emergency operations in midnight. But he said that he did not know how many patients he KILLED in operations when he dozed off! In fact, if you want to anaesthetize someone, you must put both anaesthetizing chemicals and ventilator tube in his mouth or else he loses his ability to breathe and will die. Of course everything is covered up. This same thing happens in all countries! Mistreatment is actually the 3rd hidden killer in UK. Why no
one discovers it? Because only the doctors know what actually happened. They can cover the truth if they want. In this case, the surgeon told the patient's family that the operation was not successful and the patient died of natural cause. The surgeon might not know that the anesthetist was at fault because everyone was in charge in his or her specific areas. Even he knew he would help to cover up..... Sounds scary ha?

Now is –5 oC but I don't feel cold. I think I've already used to it. Too bad that it won't snow due to the lack of moisture. But the weather here is so unpredictable. Maybe it will snow later. Feel like "hibernating on my
bed" now but cannot. I still have piles of homework. Now the daytime is getting longer. It darkens at 3pm in the worst time and now is 4pm. People really feel so depressed in winter. By the way, the forecast says that
tomorrow night will be -5oC in Brighton but -10oC in Wales....Coldest time since I came.

For those who wrote, don’t worry about my health because I've injected flu vaccine. According to an article I read recently, over-exercise lowers our immune system and causes us to catch cold easily. I think that I
probably danced too much when I was Sec 4 and ran too much in JC. AJ PE is still a nightmare to me. Every time we must run 2.4. Twice a week some more. I always caught a cold after PE. A few days later when I felt better, PE again. However, I miss the time we spent on PE. Now I have no PE lessons here but always exercise by walking to school. I used to take 15-20 min but now 10 min for a distance from Tanglin Mall to Raffles City Sogo. Sometimes I walk 45 min to the 'nearby' shopping center.

Aiya, talk so much rubbish already. The following is a message for groups of you:
For those big sisters and brothers, thank you 4 looking after me. Especially for 2nd sister and Jing Ping, be a happy wife. 2nd sister please tell Leng and Evelyn to take care of themselves.

For 2E2 girls, 2E2 forever!! Do you have an ecircle for 2E2’95? Want to set up one? Help me forward this email to Huihui, Huiwern and Wenjing because I could not reach them. Xinle and Wanman should have finished your university application forms now. There are no boys in our class, right? For the half
half ones like Yonglin, Weiyang and Jkai, enjoy life in NS.

For Cindy, don't know where to put you. Hope that you can get into the course you want.

For 4E1 people, aiya, our class is still full of childish people, always TCTCTCTCTC in ecircle. Can get more people into the circle or not? Somebody please help me call Shi Chun at 4763365 or 4750182. Ask for her
address, just say that I copied her new add. wrongly. Say hi to Zen Lao Shi because I didn't reach her b4 I left.

For Hua Zhong Hostel people, hey, it seems that most of us have left hostel. I really miss the time on barbecue day, hostel dinner, (watching moon eclipse with some of you), celebrating birthdays.... Now roommate you must be independent in Aus. Don't miss me too much. Jing Fong and Chauwsia must
take care of yourselves in your schools. Marilyn and Jony should contact Evi at 4758994. This should be her last year in Singapore. Where is Davit going? 

For Son-in-law and granddaughter, say hi to Tracy, Angel, Pik Wei, Lolo, Miss Tan, office uncle and auntie.

For 3-month class, Little turtle must work hard (what is the law firm about?) Help me to get email address from hongchang and my Ogs. Wenhong returning to S’pore so fast? I’ll call my sis to contact u.

For 09/98, finally you! Any outing? Partner long time never write to me! Pam thanks 4 your notes and have u received the attachment for the chem note correction? Sister, Irene has already returned UK b4 you emailed her. Say hi to Miss Daljit for me. Must mention that I watch BBC news everyday.

No strength to write anymore.....signing off.....stories to be continued.....

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