Anne Frank's House in Amsterdam and the Jewish Quarter in Prague gave me a shocking lesson about the horrors of wars, religious conflicts and racial discrimination. Indeed, we have been taught all these at school. However, it is always more realistic to see it for yourselves. Reenee asked me not to visit such gruesome places as I am very sentive to all sorts of spirits. However, I simply could not help to mourn over the victims. Now I have met G4alien who has got a much stronger sixth sense than I am. I believe that as long as you have a kind heart, any spirits will not disturb you for long (well, the good ones will stop the bad ones). Morag was a very easygoing friend who never forces anyone to visit any particular attrations. When she knew that I was also interested in Jewish history (As long as I don't have to go through any examinations), she was excited that she has found a buddy.
Terezín, Theresienstadt) was a fortified garrison built by Austrian Emperor Joseph II in 1780 in the memory of his mother, Maria Theresa. It was to stop the enemy from Dresden and could accommodate 11,000 soldiers.
這碉堡式防守要塞分兩部分,有八角形的大堡壘(Hlavni pevnost),和長方形的小堡壘(Mala pevnost),鎮底下有一系統各29公里的地下走道。自從建立以來,特瑞辛一直都沒有機會發揮防守要塞的功能。1850年後,小堡壘被用來
The garrison consists of an octagonal main fortress (Hlavni pevnost) and the rectangular small fortress (Mala pevnost). A system of 29km long corridors runs under the town. After 1850s, the small fortress was used to jail political prisoners. Serb student Gavrilo Princip who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and triggered WWI in 1914, was kept until he died in 1918.
We departed early from Prague. Morag recognised that two passengers on the same bus were German. Actually we did not know where to drop off until I saw their enormous fortress. As I expected, only four of us left the bus. This really made me admire the German more as they were willing to learn from their mistake.
This destination was the small fortress. It became a prison and later a concentration camp within the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in WWII. Czechs and Moravian patriots were sent and jailed here from various branches of Gestapo.
Morag said that it was weird that it was extremely sunny every time she visited a concentration camp.
Outside the Small Fortress was the National Cemetery which contains 2386 individual graves (urns or inhumation).
Moreover, thousands of victims who died in the Small Fortress, Terezín Ghetto, Litoměřice forced labour camp and those who were transported by death march to Terezín at the end of the war, were buried under the five pylons. In totally the National Cemetery holds the remains of more than 10,000 victims.
Jewish put a stone on the grave to pay their respect to the dead. I saw a grave of a nameless person and put a stone for him.
The black and white gate at the forecourt of the Small Fortress was the entrance to the prison and concentration camp. In five years, some 32 000 men and women passed through the gates of the Small Fortress.
The Small Fortress in Terezín was only a transit camp. Prisoners were sent here to contribut their labour before they were sent away to the court or to deported to Auschwitz.
This was for important criminals as each room was guarded by double layer of metal door.
這裡是狹窄的單人監獄 These were narrow single prison cells.
他們共用的梳洗室 Their shared toilet
Although 90% of the inmates were Czechs and Slovaks, others included citizens of the Soviet Union, Poles, Yugoslavs, Frenchmen, Italians, English prisoners of war and other nationalities.
這裡關女性囚犯 This was the cell for female prisoners.
The living conditions worsened from year to year, and prisoners were forced into slave labour in order to benefit the German soldier. When the Germans were starting to defeat in the war, prisoners from Terezín were forced to work even harder.
In the evenings, in moments of rest, the prisoners could temporarily escape from the humiliation from their guards. As most are educated professionals, they hold secret political and cultural exchanges via singing and recitations.
Overcrowing encouraged infectious diseases such as typhoid. Several imprisoned doctors managed to persuade the Warden to set up a sick bay. However toward the end the supply could not hope with the demand.
The internal komando maintained the prison, tilled the surrounding fields and built various structures.
"Work makes you free" has been my recent motto to encourage myself at work.
這裡是天堂路 This was the road to Heaven
我們走過一個不知名的隧道,牆上步滿了留言 We walked through a tunnel where messages were left on the wall.
From 1943 executions were carried out in the Small Fortress, on the basis of Sonderbehandlung - without judicial process. In all, more than 250 prisoners were shot.
然後就被運出去亂葬Then they were transported away for burial.
我們帶著沉重的心情離開小堡壘 We left the Small Fortress with heaviness.
We headed towards the main fortress which was the concentration camp for Jews - the Terezín Ghetto.
Hitler claimed that he had built a city for the Jews to protect them from the vagaries of the war. A film was even made to show this mythic, idyllic city to which his henchmen were taking the Jews from the Czech Lands and eight other countries. This ruse worked for a very long time. Nearly 200,000 men, women and children who passed through its gates as a way station to the East and probable death. Most Czech Jews were taken to Terezín, 97,297 died among whom were 15,000 children. Only 132 of those children were known to have survived!
The Red Cross was allowed to visit Terezín once. The village spruced up while inmates were dressed up and told to stand at strategic places. Shop windows along that carefully guarded path were filled with goods for the day. As there were many musicians in Terezín, there were full symphony orchestras and several chamber orchestras performing simultaneously daily. This fooled the Red Cross who thought that Terezín was a self-governing city.
In the town of Terezín, the population had normally been around 5,000 people before the war. At the height of the war, the Ghetto held over 55,000 Jews. Protectorate guards who supervised the Jews often sympathised with the prisoners, attempted to help them and kept them in touch with the outside world.
Again overcrowing causes hunger, malnutrition and spread of infectious diseases. Their dead bodies were cremated at the small crematorium. According to surviving cremation records, some 30 000 victims were cremated.
Urns containing ashes were stored in the columbarium located in the ramparts. But the Nazis destroyed the majority before the end of the War.
We seemed to have separated from the other tourists. It appeared to be creepily quiet. We folloed the sign to a park-like region. At first we thought we were lost but we ended up in the Jewish Cemetery. Here lie some 9 000 victims from the ghetto. Strangely, there was a new restaurant cum pension near the cemetery. I wondered who wants to stay in this somebrous place. Later I recalled that the bus service to Prague was rather infrequent and the bus timetable was not even labelled. I think there must be some muddle-headed tourists who were forced to stay overnight.
目前特瑞辛只有三千居民,我們逛來逛去只看到一間雜貨店,還有一間賣快餐的窗口﹝漢堡好吃ㄟ!﹞還有幾間沒開門的服飾店,這個城市好悽涼喔!我站在猶太博物館門口,回想著展示裡的人口擁擠,好像不是在同一個地方一樣,我拿起我的相機拍照時,突然聽到Morag輕聲說『小心』,我轉頭一看,一個皮膚黝黑的小孩正在打量我和我的相機。他笑著說『Excuse me』我第一個反應是,吉普塞人!我一句話也沒回,故作鎮定地轉頭收相機招Morag離去。我從來沒有遇過吉普塞人,旅遊家Morag和我確認他就是,我竟然在特瑞辛這一個鳥不生蛋的地方被吉普塞人當目標!
At present there were 3000 residents in Terezín. We only saw a grocery shop, a fastfood window (yummy hamburger!) and some fashion shops which were closed. This city was so miserable! I stood in front of this Jewish Museum, recalling the overcrowding pictures inside. It seemed that I was in a completely different place. I took out my camera when I heard Morag whispered "Be careful." I turned around and saw a dark-skinned boy looking at me and my camera. He said smilingly "Excuse me." My first reaction was "Gypsy!" Without any reply, I turned away tucking back my camera and walked away with Morag. I had never met a Gypsy and Morag confirmed that he was one. I could not believe my luck for becoming a target for a gypsy at this serene place.
The bus terminal was a lonely bus stop. At the last minute, groups of inpolite Eastern Europeans were trying to cut queue. Luckily the driver was good enough to stop the bus in front of Morag and me. I could not believe that they had the guts to push us away and attempted to board. However, Morag was great and pushed them back so we could board the bus successfully.
PS: Despite months have passed since my visit to Terezín, my heart sank while writing this article. I spent days on drafting this article. I still recommend everyone to visit Terezín in order to understand how Czech survived through WWII.
實用資訊Useful Info:
Small Fortress | ||
1.11. - 31.3 | daily | 8:00 am - 4:30 pm |
1.4. - 31.10 | daily | 8:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Ghetto Museum & Magdeburg Barracks | ||
1.11. - 31.3 | daily | 9:00 am - 5:30 pm |
1.4. - 31.10 | daily | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Crematorium | ||
Daily except for Saturday | ||
1.11. - 31.3 | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm | |
1.4. - 31.10 | 10:00 am – 6:00 pm | |
Columbarium, Ceremonial Halls and Central Morgue | ||
1.11. - 31.3 | daily | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm |
1.4. - 31.10 | daily | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Prayer room from the time of the Terezín ghetto | ||
1.11. - 31.3 | daily | 9:00 am - 5:30 pm |
1.4. - 31.10 | daily | daily 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Closed on 24.12. - 26.12. and 1.1. |
Further reading: Terezín Memorial, Terezín Municipal Site {Several historic postcards to see), Terezín Architectural History, Tour of Terezín