On the previous night, Morag and I had a long girly chat and formed a plan to meet up at the Jewish Quarter. The grey sky on the next day really suited our plan. This article contains some “disturbing” pictures so turn away if you are scared now. Somehow all synagogues forbid photography, possibly because they are scared that some strange creatures may appear in photographs. However, photography is allowed at the Jewish Cemetry.
前晚我和Morag談了一些女生會聊的話題到很晚,並計劃在猶太區會合。隔天灰暗的天空很適合我們的計畫呢!這一篇文章有一些黑暗的照片,不敢看趁現在轉頭吧。 奇怪的是,所有的猶太教堂都嚴禁拍照,是怕我們拍到好兄弟嗎?但是墓園卻是可以公開攝影,好奇怪。
This is the Concert Hall right outside Metro Staromestska. ㄧ出舊城地鐵站,就是音樂廳。
It was the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Museum so there were lots of activities for students. I happened to bump into those groups but they were not very attentive. 今年剛好是猶太博物館百週年紀念,有許多為學生設計的活動。我剛好遇到好幾團,但是他們都很不專心。
Klausen (Small building) Synagogue was the first synagogue I have ever visited. My first impression was - It looked like a church! Ironically, this is also the largest synagogue in the Jewish Quarter where the Burial Society is based. Look at the Star of David on the Jewish candle stand.
Klausen (小建築) 是我第一個探訪的猶太教堂,我的第一印象就是:看起來好像教堂!反諷的是,這也是猶太區裡最大的猶太教堂,是葬禮會的基地。看到猶太燭臺上的大衛之星了嗎?
Ceremonial Hall紀念堂
Similar to the Klausen Synagogue, the Ceremonial Hall was full of students sitting around the exhibition with a boring look so I really could not enjoy reading the explanations.
Pinkas Synagogue is the memorial of holocaust at the present with the names of 78000 victims all over the walls inside.
If you look carefully, every wall is full of names, the person's date of birth and date of death. My heart sank when I saw the names of one whole family died on the same date. I was so sure there were many more but I could not look any longer.
There was an exhibition of Children's Drawings from Terezin Concentration Camp. There were over 10000 children under the age of 15, of 8000 that were deported to the East about 242 survived the wartime suffering. When I saw their drawing of home, some even spelt Prague or Palestine, I had to walk away in order to breathe.
Luckily Morag texted me away. 幸好Morag傳呼我,我趕快去找他會合。
Somehow I was quite disturbed by Pinkas Synagogue and became lost even with two maps!
Pinkas 猶太教堂把我思緒搗亂了,我持著兩張地圖竟然還會迷路。
The style of architecture is different here, most Art Nouveau. This is Morag's favourite. Have you seen The Terminals? I think the character was like a Czech who has the magic hands for art and craft
路上都是不一樣的建築,這裡比較偏向Art Nouveau. 這是Morag最喜歡的建築。你有看過航站奇緣嗎?我想,男主角好像捷克人ㄧ樣手工藝ㄧ極棒。
Spanish Synagogue is the most beautiful synagogue of all. 西班牙猶太教堂是最美的。
Can you read the Hebrew? 你看得懂希伯萊文嗎?
What is your impression of Spanish Synagogue? I am not here to provoke anything. But I do think that it looks like a mosque. 你對西班牙猶太教堂的第一印象是什麼呢?我不想引起爭執,但是我真的覺得它像清真寺。
After that, everything seems less colourful. Maisel Synagogue is the Renaissance reconstruction of the ghetto.
Old-New Synagogue is the oldest synagogue and is still a place for worship.
Jewish Town Hall used to be pink and is now green. Thus, I could not find it even though I was standing right in front of it. Including that I walked past 3 times when I was looking for Morag, I possibly walked past the curious security guards 6 times.
Founded in 1478, this Old Jewish Cemetery was the only burial ground for 300 years. Due to the lack of space, people had to be buried on top of each other, up to 12 layers deep. There are over 12000 gravestones and estimated 100,000 people buried here.
Up to the wall, above the fence. I even walked past one gravestone that was nearly falling on my feet.
No space for grass. 連雜草都沒有。
It was strange. I was not scared at all. This must be a blessed graveyard. God bless you all.
Ceremonial Hall with the graves. 紀念堂與墓園。
On my last night in Prague, Morag and I walked past the Jewish Quarter and saw this exhibition boat. In daytime we did not know what this was for. It showed colourful exhibition at night!
Information: http://www.jewishmuseum.cz/aindex.htm
- Dec 28 Thu 2006 02:00
[Czech]Josefov/Jewish Quarter/猶太區