Morag brought me to the place she worked - Charles University. Her classrooms looked like a concentration camp. Mendel was the Czech Scientist (under the rule of Austria) who proposed Mendel's law of inheritence, though not based in Prague. Well, this is the proof that I have been there. Again, the following pictures capture glimpse of a graveyard so turn away if you do not like it.
Morag帶我去她工作的地方:查理斯大學。她的教室看起來像集中營 孟德爾就是遺傳學的始祖,他是捷克人喔﹝當時是奧地利統治﹞。照片證明我到此一遊。不好意思,這篇文章又有一些墳墓的照片,所以不喜歡請轉台。
Morag and I climbed up the Vyšehrad Rock. From Legend, Princess Libuše foresaw the future glory of Prague from her seat at Vyšehrad.
Slavín (Pantheon), located within the Vyšehrad cemetery. Vyšehrad墳場裡的萬神殿
An unique tombstone. 特別的墓碑
This is a burial place for Czech's most famous figures. It is completely different from the sad Jewish cemetery.
Composer Antonín Leopold Dvořák. 作曲家德弗札克
Chuch of St Peter and St Paul from the cemetery. 從墳場看聖彼得保羅教堂
Unfortunately it was closed for no reason. 可惜它不知為何關閉了
Vyšehrad Park houses 4 groups of statues and was the site of a Romanesque palace (no longer there).
This is me. 這是我啦
The wooded outcrop of rock forms a steep rock wall to the river for defence. On the summit are the Gothic ruins of the Libuše Baths. This was a a defence bastion of the medieval castle found in the grassy patch.
Unusual winter sun. 不尋常的冬季陽光
St Martin's Rotunda聖馬丁圓形大廳
At Baroque Leopold Gate, this reminded us of Chinese Stone Lions.
I called this the Great Wall of Prague and Morag would like to steal this phrase.
- Jan 02 Tue 2007 01:29