We had bad experience buying bus tickets at Prague bus station. And we boarded on a bus which resembled a caterpillar. Then we started recalling the high-quality buses in Asia....and the movies on board. I could not believe Morag watched more Hong Kong movies during her stay in China than I did in my whole life!
Without much effort, we found our accomodation on the most touristy street in Karlovy Vary. This is the view from our balcony.
When we stepped into the room, Morag exclaimed "They must have made a big mistake." After checking the receipt, we realised we were given the biggest room with the best facility during this off-peak season.
With secession decoration. 還有secession裝飾。
It has been ruled by Germany and Russia so everything is quadrilingual. As you can see, they can't be perfect in all languages.
這裡曾經被德國和蘇俄統治,所以標誌都是四語。但是他們不能十全十美,還是會出錯的(Quite please 應該是Quiet please)
Taiwan becomes Thai-wan. 24h becomes non-stop. 台灣變成泰彎,24小時變成不停
Initially we wanted to go to this restaurant next to our hotel, but it was fully booked.
A Russian casualty outisde the restaurant. 餐廳外的俄國傷兵
We ended up in this restaurant and I had my first Rabbit meal in my life. Sorry Aurora! The owner was bewildered to see me speak in English to Morag and kept staring at me. Morag said that we probably looked like Americans to them, having a very blond Caucasian and an Oriental speaking English together.
I was very happy to finish this bottle of non-alcoholic German beer without being drunk. Sorry to Czech beers!
This is the restaurant. 就是這ㄧ間餐廳
Exterior of our hotel. Who is that? 我們飯店的外觀,那是誰?
It is me, early in the morning. 是ㄧ大早的我啦!
We lived right in front of the Geyser. 我們就住在這噴泉前
When we first arrived in darkness, Morag joked that there was an fire.
- Jan 02 Tue 2007 04:26
[Czech] Karlovy Vary/Carlsbad/查理斯溫泉鎮: Food & Accomodation 美食和住宿