I think I am turning into an old granny by moaning. Well, I am
getting old....
I found it quite a stressful experience starting a new job in a new
place. First I got to get rid of my Scottish accent. Second I am
trying to pick up the London accent. People in London are generally
less warm-hearted than Scottish. I think I am just trying to adapt
to this new environment. Or rather, old environment, since I stayed
in London first before I went up to Scotland.
People in my post are all more experienced than I am. I am feeling
stressed up as I do not know as much as they do, or know the people
as they are talking about. In general, I find it difficult to join
their conversation. On the good side, teaching in London hospitals
are so good that I feel so happy that I am being spoonfed again. I
missed spoonfeeding teaching! I learn more if I am spoonfed.
Sam, my host father in Scotland, was diagnosed with possible lung
cancer. Although the suspicion started two years ago when he had
the stroke, he declined all tests. But recently the mass has been
growing. Wilma, my host mother, sounded so worried on the phone. I
only heard the news after I arrived at London and left Glasgow for
good. How I hiope I can fly straight back for them!
Anyway, I will try to find my way to fight to life in London. Wish
me luck!
- Sep 03 Wed 2008 02:53
I miss Glasgow.....