When I finally walked towards the riverside, the sun started to shine. 當我走到河畔時,太陽剛好露了出臉
I am afraid that I took so many pictures here. All look like postcards! 我拍了太多照片,都好像是明信片
The sky looked unreal. Am I in a dream? 天空好像是假象,我在作夢嗎?
I saw this old couple at Most Legii. Can I be so fortunate?
I think I have found your footprints and sent you a message through my heart.
But this can't be true!但這不真實
I have simply fallen in love with Prague. 我只是愛上布拉格了
It seems empty somewhere. 好像還有一點空虛
I was near the bridge where the currents were strong. 靠近橋的部份水流川急。
In summer, people enjoy beer here. 人們總是在夏天時在此喝啤酒。
Wish you were here. 希望你也在這裡
There were some weirs. 還有一些水壩
They provide foot rest for birds. 那群白鴿,背對著夕陽,那畫面太美我不敢看
Do you remember the flood in 2002? 你還記得2002年我們相遇時的水災嗎?
Time flies.... 時光飛逝.....
Vltava Weir. In 19th century, this weir along with others on this stretch, were built to make the river navigible to ship.
I walked past the Old Town Bridge Tower to see the castle.
Darkness arrived at once. 天色ㄧ下子就暗了
Look from the far end. 從遠處觀看
It is like a dream. 這好像夢境
Jazz filled the air. 空氣裡都是爵士樂
There were still many people on the bridge. 橋上遊客絡繹不絕
Look back to where I had walked. On the far right showed the dome of National Theatre.
I got up early to see the sunrise along the river. 我早起到河邊欣賞日出
But it was dull and everything was still under repair. 可惜天色陰霾,所有的建築物也在維修中。
I was attracted by the maple leaves on Island Zofin. There were many dog lovers on this island.
Looking back from Charles Bridge again. 從查理斯橋回頭看我走過的地方。
View of Charles Bridge from the opposite Island Kampa. 到對岸的Kampa導回頭看查理斯橋
- Dec 03 Sun 2006 15:45