Olomouc was founded in 1017. It was the capital of the Great Moravian Empire of the Přemysl family. It was also the centre of religion. This city hall was built in the 14th century. Olomouc was badly damaged by the Hussite war, 30 years' war and the Swedish troops so it lost its supremacy to Brno. In the 18th century, Olomouc continued to develop. Due to its relationship with Salzburg, many Germans settled in.
When German troops were retreating through Olomouc at the end of WWII, they bombed the entire City Hall down. The communists flooded in thereafter and reconstructed the clock with statues of labourers insteads of saints.
The chime at 12 noon was the best, calling the country for "saving up to build the country."
上方廣場Horní nám的三位一體聖柱Sloup Nejsvětější Trojice 建於1754年,有35米高,是UNESCO的世界遺蹟。每天還有修女在裡面用各國語言介紹聖柱。
The 35m-tall Holy Trinity Column (Sloup Nejsvětější Troijice) at the Upper Square (Horní nám) was built in 1754. It was one of the UNESCO World Heritage. You can see a nun explaining the history of the column using various languages inside the column.
Its craftsman and scale were so impressive that it was rare to see elsewhere in the world. I was even more impressed that it was not destroyed by the world wars.
When you visit Olomouc, you will realise that the people here love to build fountains based on Greek myths. This was my favourite Arion Fountain which described how the dolphine saving the singing Arion.
The turtle in front of the fountain was for kids. I also rubbed his head superstitiously and hoped that this would bring me luck.
Caesar Fountain was based on the legend that Julius Caesar founded Olomouc.
大力士噴泉Hercules Fountain
下方廣場Dolní náměstí 的瑪麗安柱紀念瘟疫受害者
Marian Column in the Lower Square (Dolní náměstí) commemorated plague victims.
海神和他的父親時間對抗Neptune fought with his father, Time.
宙斯噴泉Jupiter Fountain
水星噴泉Mercury Fountain
崔坦噴泉Triton Fountain
The snakes represent evil while the wedges of crucification represnt eternity at the "St. Jan Sarkander Spring of Living Water" Fountain.
The Chapel of St. Jan Sarkander was the prison of Jan Sarkander who died there. It had an unique lantern roof and oval staircase but was not open when I visited.
宙斯噴泉後的聖瑪莉天使報喜教堂 Church of Annunciation of the Virgin Mary behind the Jupiter Fountain
The huge church of St Michael had a precious portrait of the pregnany Virgin Mary.
聖邁可修道院裡的巴洛克裝飾精緻地不像話 The Baroque monastery was unbelievably delicate.
聖邁可教堂也美麗到令人驚嘆 The church itself was a piece of fine art.
聖摩立滋教堂 (Kostel sv. Mořice) 是15世紀的古老建築,有不對稱的尖塔
St. Moritz Church (Kostel sv. Mořice) was a 15th century building with asymmetrical towers.
Its organ is the mightiest in Europe. The World Organ Competition is held here every September. The participant seemed to be practising while I enjoyed the music downstairs. I also secretly called my sister on my phone (too bad she did not get it).
The Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow belongs to the university. When I first arrived it was closed. I managed to enter during the mass session at noon. I was still admiring its beautiful interior before I was chased away at the end of the mass.
對面的自然博物館 The Natural Science Museum opposite.
St Wenceslas Cathedral (Katedrála svatého Václava) was the first Romanesque church in Olomouc, and the second tallest in the Czech Republic.
Přemysl Palace exhibits the Bishop's rooms which are more beautiful than Prague Castle. On the right stands the Chapel of St Ann.
聖Gorazd教堂St Gorazd Church
城堡修道院剛好關閉Hradisko Monastery was closed at the time of my visit.
The Basilica Minor Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary on Svatý Kopeček (The Holy Hill) was near Olomouc but I did not pay a visit there.
我看看時間,不到下午兩點,Olomouc十分寒冷,已經降到了八度。我把行李裡面所有的衣物都穿在身上,圍著蘇格蘭羊毛圍巾,淋著毛毛細雨,踩著不經意落下的葉子。秋天要到了嗎?我不經意地哼起了Eternal Flame:
I looked at the time, not yet 2pm. Olomouc was very cold as it was around 8oC. I put on all the clothes I had from my luggage, wrapped myself up with Scottish woolen scarf. With the drizzling rain, fallen leaves, has autumn arrived? Without intention, I started singing Eternal Flame:
Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Close your eyes and give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
I searchd around but all the recommended internet cafes were shut for good. Not all the churches were open. I had to force myself to open the door of every church. I felt disappointed. Initially I thought Olomouc was the second largest historical city after Prague but it was hidding itself secretively that no one was aware of its existence. I walked back to the Upper Square lazily, ordered some coffee and sweet pizza, people-watching and wrote some postcards. I suddenly missed my old friend Morag. Wish she were here.
I walked back to the Pension alone. Perhaps I should be glad that I stayed at the most beautiful street in Olomouc with the best restaurant opposite. Once I stepped into the restaurant I was greeted with everyone's eyes. I had enough. I was surrounded by Germans! I nodded at them and ordered my Czech dinner and non-alcoholic beer happily. The delicious food brought my spirit back. I decided to do a night tour. Unfortunately the Upper Square was lit by dim light and it was pouring. It was just sad....
我的歌有了回應There were answers for my song:
You don't feel my heart beating. You don't understand.
You don't feel the same. I am only dreaming.
This is not an eternal flame.
You come and ease the pain and leave again.
I have lost this feeling.....
Tonight, I don't want to be alone...