
I took a bus back to the town of Litomyšl in Eastern Bohemia. It was an important town along the Trstenice trade path between Bohemia and Moravia. The rain was quite heavy when I arrived so I left my luggage at the friendly tourist information centre. They were very proud that they still open during lunch time.

爵士之屋Dům U Rytířů是史麥塔納廣場重要的文化復興遺蹟,除了爵士外,還有學生、商人、人魚,獅子和獨角獸等雕像。
The Knights' Hall (Dům U Rytířů) on Smetanovo náměstí had a Renaissance facade with statues of knights, a student, a merchant, a mermaid, a lion and a unicorn.
Just then the rain got heavier. I hid underneath a roof looking for my umbrella and looking through the map. Suddenly an old man greeted me from behind. He gave me a fright! He happily asked me in Czech if I were a Japanese. I was very proud to say that I was from Taiwan. He was surprised. He also eagerly told me to climb up the hill before I could see the Chateau.

來自Mikulov的教師們來此成立Piarist 發現聖十字教堂,並開創學校教育貧苦兒童。
Teachers from Mikulov set up Piarist Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross and a grammer school for the poor children.

It was in such a derelict state that it was not open to the public despite restoration.

Smetana Museum remembers the famous composer from Litomyšl

This Renaissance Litomyšl Chateau was built in 1568~1581. It used to be the former Bishop's palace. As it features more than eight thousand original graffiti, it was entered in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.
城堡,甚至整個小鎮都是藝術品。The chateau, even the whole town was full of art works.
城堡外的時鐘A clock outside the chateau.
另外一座時鐘Another clock.

There was an 18th century theatre in the chateau where Smetana performed his piano debut. In fact, Litomyšl holds an International Opera Festival every June. Unfortunately I missed it.
The English explantation was so vague that these Belgium tourists were confused, too.
Smetana was born at the brewery opposite the chateau, the son of the brewer.
Perhaps it was the peak season, the chateau looked depressed.
When I stepped into the Convent Garden, listened to Smetana's My Country, looked at the Piarist Church, the sun had arrived.

舉聖十字長老教會Church of the Raising of the Holy Cross and presbytery
史麥塔納沒有料想到他對故鄉的影響吧?可惜他得了梅毒影響了聽力,後期還引發精神病,在精神病院過餘生。Smetana might not have expected his influence on his hometown. Unfortunately he suffered from syphillis which caused deafness and then psychosis. He spent his late life in a mental hospital.

市政廳Town Hall

Litomyšl, similar to other traditional Czech towns, was lined up with creative works.
這只是一些例子These were a few of the examples.

Josef Váchal是一位孩子氣的詩人、畫家、設計師和印刷師。他反抗著共產主義,過著不為五斗米折腰的生活。所以他的作品尚未被世人接受。
Josef Váchal was an idiosyncratic poet, painter, graphic designer and prinet. He resisted Communism and led to a life drinking snowwater and leftover food. Thus his art has not been appreciated by the world.
Litomyšl曾是他的畫布Litomyšl used to be his canvas.
卡通人骨畫像Cantoon-like pictures.

Josef Portman一直很欣賞Josef Váchal的作品,邀請他來Litomyšl作客,把Portmoneum轉換成Josef Váchal發揮的天堂。Josef Portman always admired Josef Váchal's work so he invited Josef Váchal's to Litomyšl and converted Portmoneum into the latter's art heaven
看的出左邊是衣櫃,右邊門裡的是床嗎?Can you tell that there was a cupboard on the left and a bed on the right?

實用訊息Practical Information:
景點開放時間和票價Opening time and prices of tourist attractions

 引申閱讀Further reading: Litomyšl官方網站Official website

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