On the previous night, Morag and I had a long girly chat and formed a plan to meet up at the Jewish Quarter. The grey sky on the next day really suited our plan. This article contains some “disturbing” pictures so turn away if you are scared now. Somehow all synagogues forbid photography, possibly because they are scared that some strange creatures may appear in photographs. However, photography is allowed at the Jewish Cemetry.
前晚我和Morag談了一些女生會聊的話題到很晚,並計劃在猶太區會合。隔天灰暗的天空很適合我們的計畫呢!這一篇文章有一些黑暗的照片,不敢看趁現在轉頭吧。 奇怪的是,所有的猶太教堂都嚴禁拍照,是怕我們拍到好兄弟嗎?但是墓園卻是可以公開攝影,好奇怪。

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If I did not meet you, where would I be? How would my life be? Should we treasure our lives?

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West Side 西面

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Bridge Tower sculptures by Peter Parler include St Vitus, Charles IV and Wenceslas IV.

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There are two Churches of St Nicolas in Prague. I have only been to this one at the Little Quarter. Building began in 1703 and finished in 1761. This is an acknowledge High Baroque masterpiece of father-and-son architects (Christopher and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer) but neither saw its completion.

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I went up to the hill by a funicular railway to see the Eiffel Tower of Prgaue. Ha. It is the Observatory Tower.

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The first time I saw this monastery was my first night out to Prague Castle. Unfortunately, Morag was yet to establish the different places in Prague and I could certainly understand her difficulty as there were so many to see.

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The first time I came to Prague Castle Gate, it was a miserably cold and wet day. I even had frost bites on my hands.

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The original wooden Romanesque palace was constructed by Prince Sobeslav I in 1135. Charles IV added other Gothic parts and then Vladislav Jagiello commenced reconstruction of the palace and addition of the magnificent Vladislav Hall.
原本的羅馬木造皇宮是Sobeslavㄧ世在1135年建造,查理斯四世添加了其他哥德式部份,Vladislav Jagiello後來重建皇宮並加蓋的豪華的Vladislav大廳。

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St Vitus Cathedral is the most obvious building in the Castle site. You can see it along River Vltava. It is based on an early romanesque rotunda founded by Wenceslaus in 925. Archbishop Arnost of Pardubice, and, Charles IV, King of Bohemia and a soon-to-be Holy Roman Emperor found the present Gothic building in 1344 and was completed in 1929. The following pictures may contain tombs so look away if you are scared.

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